Experiments in Opera commissioned 10 composers to present new operas that last no more than 10 minutes. These new works were premiered by the contemporary music ensemble Hotel Elefant on February 9, 2013 at Issue Project Room in Brooklyn.

The featured composers for New Shorts were:

Robert Ashley | Jason Cady | Joe Diebes | Ruby Fulton | Gabrielle Herbst | Mary Kouyoumdjian | Aaron Siegel | Justin Tierney | Leaha Maria Villarreal | Matthew Welch

Directed by Louisa Proske, David Levine, Britt Olsen-Ecker

Performances by Paolo Bortolameolli, Hannis Brown, Meagan Brus, Peter Bussigel, Nicole Camacho, Christina Campanella, Lucy Dhegrae, Erin Flannery, Domenica Fossati, David Friend, Jeff Gavett, Seth Gilman, Nick Gleason, Ariadne Greif, Elisabeth Halliday, Jonathon Hampton, Gabrielle Herbst, Isabel Kim, Lisa Komara, George Lam, Michelle Lou, Shawn Lovato, Robert Maril, Devin Provenzano, Anne Rhodes, Jon Russell, Mark Smith, Andie Springer, Kirsten Volness, Lindsey Warford, Meg Zervoulis

New Shorts Trailer

The God’s Script  by Justin Tierney

WOW by Joe Diebes

Window to a Door by Leaha Maria Villarreal

Resonant Combinations by Robert Ashley

End Times by Ruby Fulton

Bodiless by Gabrielle Herbst

The Collector by Aaron Siegel

The Mother by Jason Cady

The Three Truths by Matthew Welch

Interview with Ruby Fulton

Interview with Leaha Maria Villarreal

Interview with Aaron Siegel

Interview with Joe Diebes

Interview with Matthew Welch

Interview with Robert Ashley

Interview with Jason Cady

Interview with Justin Tierney

Interview with Mary Kouyoumdjian and Hannis Brown

Interview with Gabrielle Herbst